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In Sept 2014 I was hired with RED Epic kit as 3rd Camera on the closing sequence for Nissin Noodles 'A Samurai In Manchester' promo film by Unit 9 films of London. The sequence was important in that it was the finale to the film and could not be complete without it. We had one take in front of 80,000 fans and only 4 minutes to get it right. So no pressure then.
I was on a long lens (Canon 70-200 with a 2x extender) fully in with zero depth of field. The 'two Toms', on the other epics were on the pitch. The Director was Simon Reichel and DOP Tom Elliot ( aka a common future).
Take a look and be prepared to be amazed at the skill of the Japanese performers. p.s. There was no CGI all the stunts are REAL.

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